Wax soo wadaban
  • Resin baaquli cawlan oo ah

    Resin baaquli cawlan oo ah

    Product Name Resin bowl grey lines M Specification Color 10*2.5cm Material Resin Model NS-61 Feature Unbreakable Easy to clean and disinfect Simulated natural living, close to nature safety steps' inside the bowl to prevent drowning Introduction Environmental protection resin as raw material, after high temperature disinfection treatment, non-toxic and tasteless. Tortoise ku habboon, abeesada, rahyada geeska, bullfrogs, skikfort-ka roobka, lizards
  • Resin madal leh baaquli cuntada d

    Resin madal leh baaquli cuntada d

    Magaca wax soo saarka ee resin oo leh midab tusmo '' Cunno d '* * 13 * 3.5cm Qalabka' resin polustra wax lagu nadiifiyo '' plaririum 'oo loo isticmaalo aaladda ceyriinka ah ee loo yaqaan' persium 'oo loo isticmaalo ashyaa'da ceyriinka ah, Hordhac ka dib ee cudurka jeermiska ee heerkulka, ka dib-aan-sun lahayn iyo kuwa aan dhadhamin. Tortoise ku habboon, abeesada, rahyada geeska, bullfrogs, skikfort-ka roobka, lizards
  • Resin baaquli qoto dheer

    Resin baaquli qoto dheer

    Product Name Resin deep bowl Specification Color 6*4cm Material Resin Model NS-84 Feature Unbreakable Easy to clean and disinfect Simulated natural living, close to nature Introduction Environmental protection resin as raw material, after high temperature disinfection treatment, non-toxic and tasteless. Tortoise ku habboon, abeesada, rahyada geeska, bullfrogs, skikfort-ka roobka, lizards
  • Resin barkinta yar

    Resin barkinta yar

    Magaca Waxsoosaarka Magaca Tooska ah ee Tooska ah ee Black Placl 8.2 * 8 * 2.5cm Qalabka 'resin polustra wax lagu keydiyo oo si fudud loo nadiifiyo oo lagu nadiifiyo dabeecadda ceyriinka ah, daaweynta jeermiska qalliinka ee heerkulka, ka dib-aan-lahayn. Tortoise ku habboon, abeesada, rahyada geeska, bullfrogs, skikfort-ka roobka, lizards
  • Resin baaquli oo qari

    Resin baaquli oo qari

    Magaca badeecada resin bowl iyo qari midabaynta midabka 10 * 9 * 3cm walxaha resin moodelka ns-77 oo u dhow in lagu dhigto ashyaa'da dabiiciga ah ee loo yaqaan 'Hordhac' SIYAASADDA SIYAASADDA SIYAASADAHA SOO SAARKA, daaweynta jeermiska cudurka ee heerkulka, ka dib aan ahayn wax aan dhadhan lahayn. Tortoise ku habboon, abeesada, rahyada geeska, bullfrogs, skikfort-ka roobka, lizards
  • Resin bows hilibka huruud ah l

    Resin bows hilibka huruud ah l

    Magaca wax soo saarka ee resin bowl bowl huruud huruud ah 22 * ​​24 * 3.3cm sedex resin model ns-71 ah oo ku dhow in la dhigto sheyga ceyriinka ah ee loo yaqaan 'Hordhac' SIYAASAD 'SI AAD U HESHO SIYAASADAHA ISKUULKA, Daaweynta jeermiska Qalliinka ee heerkulka, ee aan la garaneyn. Tortoise ku habboon, abeesada, rahyada geeska, bullfrogs, skikfort-ka roobka, lizards
  • Labajibbaarane labajibbaarane oo leh sagxad l

    Labajibbaarane labajibbaarane oo leh sagxad l

    Product Name Square resin bowl with ramp L Specification Color 20*25*6cm Material Resin Model NS-70 Feature Unbreakable Easy to clean and disinfect Simulated natural living, close to nature safety steps' inside the bowl to prevent drowning Introduction Environmental protection resin as raw material, after high temperature disinfection treatment, non-toxic and tasteless. Tortoise ku habboon, abeesada, rahyada geeska, bullfrogs, skikfort-ka roobka, lizards
  • Resin ku ordaya baaquli biyo ah

    Resin ku ordaya baaquli biyo ah

    Product Name Resin running water bowl Specification Color 15*10cm Material Resin Model NS-67 Feature Designed for reptiles, amphibians, easy to clean, non-toxic and harmless. Easy to clean and disinfect Simulated natural living, close to nature Introduction Environmental protection resin as raw material, after high temperature disinfection treatment, non-toxic and tasteless. Tortoise ku habboon, abeesada, rahyada geeska, bullfrogs, skikfort-ka roobka, lizards
  • Resin geeska geeska cuntada

    Resin geeska geeska cuntada

    Product Name Resin corner food bowl Specification Color 7.5*8.5*3cm Material Resin Model NS-66 Feature Unbreakable Easy to clean and disinfect Imitate tree stump design makes the reptile get closer to nature. Simulated natural living, close to nature Introduction Environmental protection resin as raw material, after high temperature disinfection treatment, non-toxic and tasteless. Tortoise ku habboon, abeesada, rahyada geeska, bullfrogs, skikfort-ka roobka, lizards
  • Product Name Resin bowl pink lines S Specification Color 9*7*2.5cm Material Resin Model NS-65 Feature Unbreakable Easy to clean and disinfect Simulated natural living, close to nature Introduction Environmental protection resin as raw material, after high temperature disinfection treatment, non-toxic and tasteless. Tortoise ku habboon, abeesada, rahyada geeska, bullfrogs, skikfort-ka roobka, lizards
  • Labajibbaarane resin pink oo ah casaan casaan ah xs

    Labajibbaarane resin pink oo ah casaan casaan ah xs

    Product Name Square resin bowl pink lines XS Specification Color 5*4*3cm Material Resin Model NS-64 Feature Unbreakable Easy to clean and disinfect Simulated natural living, close to nature Introduction Environmental protection resin as raw material, after high temperature disinfection treatment, non-toxic and tasteless. Tortoise ku habboon, abeesada, rahyada geeska, bullfrogs, skikfort-ka roobka, lizards
  • Wareega wareega ee Wareega Grey ee Lines Lines L

    Wareega wareega ee Wareega Grey ee Lines Lines L

    Product Name Round resin bowl grey lines L Specification Color 9.5*6cm Material Resin Model NS-63 Feature Unbreakable Easy to clean and disinfect Simulated natural living, close to nature Designed for reptiles, amphibians, easy to clean, non-toxic and harmless. Hordhac Hordhac Resing Resin Sida ashyaa'da cayriin, ka dib daaweynta cudurrada qalliinka ee heerkulka, aan sun lahayn oo aan dhadhamin. Tortoise ku habboon, abeesada, rahyada geeska, bullfrogs, skikfort-ka roobka, lizards